Privacy Policy

The Privacy police (hereinafter – Policy ) describes how BEIL, OOO (hereinafter – Company ) collects and uses information about users of the mobile app HAIRCODE (hereinafter – Users ).

The use of the mobile app HAIRCODE (hereinafter – App ) indicates that User unambiguously agrees with the provisions of the Policy and means of data processing specified in the Policy.

1. Information collected by Company
1.1. Company collects, has access and use User’s personal data, technical data and other types of data associated with a User for the purposes specified in the Policy.
2. Company uses cookies or similar technologies that are technical data. Cookies are small text files that enable Company to collect the information about App-related activities of User such as the pages of the App visited by User.
2.1. Technical information is data that automatically sent to Company while User is using the App through the software installed on the User’s device.
2.2. Personal data means data that User provides to Company while filling out any form in the App and further communication with Company.
2.3. In case User provides to Company personal data of any third parties, User guarantees that such third party gives consents for the processing their data by Company.
2.4. Company processes personal data, technical data and other types of data for the term of the Terms of use concluded with User, and in case of the absence of Terms of use – for the 2 (two) years from provision of data.
2.5. App is not a source of publicly available personal data. Nevertheless, in several cases when committing specific actions such as changing privacy settings User could make data publicly available and User gives consent to that.
3. Use of the information provided by User
3.1. Information provided by User is used by Company solely for the following purposes:
3.1.1. conclusion of the Terms of use between Company and User, and performance of its obligations under Terms of use by Company;
3.1.2. provision technical support to User;
3.1.3. consideration of the User’s requests and support needs;
3.1.4. provision to User relevant news, updates and advertising;
3.1.5. provision of functionality of the App;
3.1.6. meeting the requirements of the Russian legislation.
4. Means of data processing
4.1. Data processing of User means personal data gathering, systematizing, accumulation, storage, refinement (updating, changing), use, distribution (including transmission, granting access), depersonalization, blocking, deleting, destruction of User’s personal data.
4.2. User gives consent to Company to personal data processing while filling out any form in the App and further communication with Company, inter alia User gives consent to transfer data to third parties for the purposes of performance of the agreements concluded between User and Company, when data transferred to foreign states (cross-border transfer).
4.3. Company processes data with the use of the databases located in the Russian Federation.
5. Measures ensuring data security during processing
5.1. Company takes necessary organizational and technical measures, to protect User’s data from unlawful or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, coping, distribution of personal data, also from other unlawful actions.
5.2. When Company entrusts processing of personal data to another person on the basis of a contract, the obligation of ensuring personal data confidentiality and personal data security would be indicated in the contract with the sais d entity.
6. Rights of Company
6.1. Company could conduct statistical and other types of the research on the basis on the anonymized User’s data. Company could provide access to the results of such researches to third parties for the target advertising. User could prevent device or software from transferring data necessary for the target advertising if the User’s device or software provides such technical possibility.
6.2. Company could transfer User’s data to third parties for the purposes of fraud prevention and for the purposes of the execution of the obligation arising out of the Terms of Use.
6.3. If User withdraws the consent to process persona data, Company reserves a right to restrict User’s access to the App or to its functions.
7. User’s rights
7.1. User has a right to withdraw consent for the data processing by the means of sending to Company a written request at the email address indicated in the App or by filling out the relevant form in the App. At the same time, User understands that Company has a right to continue data processing in the cases stipulated by the Russian legislation.
7.2. User has a right to withdraw consent for receiving advertising from Company by the means of sending to Company a written request at the email address indicated in the App or by filling out the relevant form in the App.
8. Changes to the Policy
8.1. Company reserves the right to change, update, or modify the Policy. Company will notify Users about modification of the Policy.
8.2. New version of the Policy will become effective at the date indicated in the notification. If User continues to use the App, User unambiguously accepts all provision of the new version. If any modification is unacceptable to the User, User shall not continue using the App.